Purge / Delete corrupted or Un-needed patches on WSUS Server

Finalmente una pagina in cui è descritto bene come fare a ripulire il contenuto dei file scaricati dal WSUS che non sono più necessari (ad esempio gli aggiornamenti superseded che sono stati in seguito declinati).

Purge / Delete corrupted or Un-needed patches on WSUS Server – PatchAholic…The WSUS Blog!

Riporto qui sotto, nel caso sparisca la pagina originale:

If you want to purge the downloaded patches on WSUS Server to cleanup / delete unneeded content, then you have to use the following tools;

  • WSUSDebug PurgeUnneededFiles
  • WSUSUTIL.exe Deleteunneededrevisions
  • WSUSUTIL.exe Reset
  • WSUSUTIL.exe Removeinactiveapprovals (optional)

WSUS Debug Tool: Run PurgeUnneededFiles command to Purge unneeded content. This command deletes all files not needed on the WSUS server.

WsusDebugTool.exe /Tool:PurgeUnneededFiles

***(NOTE: You have to decline the updates first.)

WSUSUTIL.exe deleteunneededrevisions: Purges the metadata for unnecessary update revisions from the database. This is useful for managing WSUS with an MSDE database.

***(NOTE: this command should only be run after stopping the Windows Server Update Services website in Internet Information Services MMC.)

WSUSUTIL.exe Reset: Now that you have purged the content, use ‘WSUSUTIL.exe reset’ which checks that every metadata row in the database has corresponding content stored in the file system.  If content is a missing or corrupted, WSUS downloads the content again.

WSUSUTIL.exe reset

***(NOTE: WSUSUTIL.exe is installed C:\Program Files\Update Services\Tools)


The option “Download update files to this server only when updates are approved” must be checked / selected or else, it will re-download those “not needed” updates,during the next sychronization schedule.

Open WSUSAdmin Console – Click on Options – Click on Synchronization Options – Scroll down to Update Files and Languages Section – Click on Advanced – Click OK – Select “Download update files to this server only when updates are approved” – Click OK and save settings.


WSUS Debug Tool / Server Diagnostic Tool

WSUS Debug Tool Readme

Windows Server Update Services Downloads